Circular Letter No. 1147
January 24, 2025
TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government
SUBJECT: Rider Requisitions for the
2021 United States Statutes At Large, Vol. 135
This is to inform all departments and
agencies that the Government Publishing
Office has established February 21, 2025,
as the ABSOLUTE deadline for the receipt of
orders to ride the printing of the 2021 United
States Statutes At Large, Volume 135 (which
will comprise two parts forming a set). Please
use the following estimated rider rate when
preparing your requisitions:
Casebound Set of 2 volumes……. $115.00
The requisition (Standard Form 1) should be made out for the United States Statutes At Large
2021, Vol. 135, riding jacket 19-194.
Please forward all rider requisitions by February 21, 2025, to the Office of Congressional
Publishing Services, Stop: CSC, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, DC 20401;
send by email to [email protected]; or send by fax 202-512-1101. If you have any questions
concerning this letter, please direct them to Jim Ballou, Congressional Publishing Services, on
Managing Director, Government Publishing & Print Procurement
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