Circular Letter No. 1138

July 31, 2024

TO: Printing and Publishing Officials of the Federal Government

SUBJECT: Rider Requisitions for the U.S. Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement V.

This circular letter is to announce the opportunity to submit rider orders for the U.S. Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement V. Please note that the absolute deadline to submit your SF-1(s) to ride this publication is August 13, 2024.

The U.S. Code, 2018 Edition, Supplement V is expected to consist of up to 7 volumes. Be sure to include the Jacket number 55-101, 55-102, 55-103, 55-104, 55-105, 55-106, and 55-107 on your Requisition and specify paper or case bound copies. If not specified, paper copies will be furnished. Please note that rider rates apply to single destination, local delivery and that mailing charges, if incurred, will be added to your account. Your actual cost will be lower if the set comprises fewer volumes.

Please use the following estimated rider rate when preparing your requisitions:

Per set paper: $265.25

Per set case bound: $312.00

Send requisitions to GPO by August 13, 2024. The preferred method of submitting requisitions is to e-mail them to [email protected] with the Jacket Number in the Subject Line.

If you cannot e-mail requisitions, they may be faxed to 202-512-1101.

Please direct questions concerning this letter to Jim Ballou, Congressional Publishing Services, either via email to [email protected] or call 202-512-0224.


Managing Director, Customer Services

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