The National Account Managers (NAMs), work with Federal agency customers across the country. To Contact a National Account Manager please use our How to Get Started Form.

National Account Managers:

  • assist you in choosing the most appropriate and cost-effective GPO programs to suit your specific needs
  • introduce you to new GPO programs and services
  • connect you to internal GPO subject matter experts to provide you with the technical guidance needed to make informed decisions about print and digital publishing options
  • provide you with technical advice on specifying print projects and maximizing print and publishing budgets
  • conduct educational outreach events and training seminars to assist you in training your staff to work effectively with GPO
  • aid you in resolving administrative and financial issues related to account set-up, funding, billing, or other GPO activities and processes


Webinars are conducted throughout the year by National Account Managers and offer critical training for new GPO users and updates for existing customers interested in learning about the latest information from GPO. Topics include:

  • an overview of GPO products and services
  • how to work with GPO (including funding and forms)
  • trending topics / featured presentations
  • specific topics such as the Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA), term contracts, GPOExpress, GPO Publish, and more

We can also provide customized group orientation training at your specific agency location.

For additional information, visit our Events and Training page or contact a National Account Manager (NAM) or call 202.512.1904.