OFR Publishing Services supports and monitors the administrative and production requirements for all official documents produced by GPO for the Office of the Federal Register which comprise the following:
- the Federal Register
- the Code of Federal Regulations
- List of CFR Sections Affected
- Privacy Act Issuances
- Public and Private Laws
- United States Statutes at Large
- Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States
- Daily Compilation of Presidential Documents
- the U.S. Government Manual
We handle customer inquiries related to OFR products for all Federal agencies including ordering copies of OFR products and special printings for agency programs, distribution, and billing. We will research and locate the information you need—and if necessary—refer you to the appropriate staff to resolve your questions.
- In the summer before each new fiscal year, a circular letter is sent out requesting the submission of open requisitions for publishing content in the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations.
- Open requisitions for each new fiscal year are submitted using the Standard Form 1 (SF1) to:
Official Journals of Government (OJG)
Room C-846
Washington, DC 20401
fx 888.579.5907
[email protected]
- On a quarterly basis, a circular letter is sent out for requisitions to obtain printed rider copies of the Code of Federal Regulations. Send your SF1 submission to the address listed above.
By law, GPO must publish documents required or authorized in the Federal Register notices and the Code of Federal Regulations. The law also requires agencies to reimburse GPO for the services performed.
All agencies that publish material in the Federal Register are charged at a per column rate (published columns) depending on the type of article submission. Current rates for submission types are as follows:
- Word document - $151/column
- Camera copy - $174/column
- Manuscript copy - $174/column
Code of Federal Regulations is charged at a per page rate. The current rate for the submission type is $85/per page.
Billing Address Code and Treasury Account Symbol/Business Event Type Code
The Component TAS/BETC is required for agencies that are currently Central Accounting Reporting System reporters. Since October 1, 2014, all agencies have been required to provide GPO with their TAS/BETC information for all Intra-Governmental Payment and Collection transactions. The BAC is your GPO customer account number. It is a 6-digit alpha-numeric field assigned by GPO based on your agency’s program or accounting needs. It includes your agency address, point of contact, and agency location code, when collection is made through Treasury’s IPAC system or deposit account designation. A BAC can be created for a specific agency program or sub-program, enabling you to easily assign printing costs to your agency’s activities. We use the BAC located at the end of each article published in the Federal Register for billing purposes.
- Documents with improper BACs lead to unnecessary “charge backs” and improper billings.
- When a BAC is not included in the article, additional administrative hours for proper billing are required and may lead to additional charges to the submitting agency.
Agency Liaison
Your agency liaison is responsible for representing their agency in all matters relating to submission of documents to the Office of the Federal Register for publishing within the Federal Register. He/she must also ensure that each article contains a BAC, and that the correct agency BAC is identified for each document submission to the Office of the Federal Register. The Federal Register liaison(s), printing officer(s), and the financial organization of each agency should be involved in the process required for the Federal Register and Code of Federal Regulations publishing activities prior to submission of articles to the Office of the Federal Register.
To identify your agency liaison, contact the Office of the Federal Register at [email protected].
CFR Schedule
Track anticipated delivery dates for current CFR Titles.
Quarter 1, 2021
Quarter 2, 2020
Quarter 3, 2020
Quarter 4, 2020
Official Federal Register Subscription
Members of Congress or any other office of the United States, subscribe here for your official subscription to the daily Federal Register.
Official Federal Register Subscription Form
U.S. Government Publishing Office
OFR Publishing Services
North Capitol Street, NW
Washington, DC 20401
ph 202.512.2100
fx 202.512.1998
[email protected]
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