January 6th Select Committee Report PII Incident

January 6th Select Committee Report PII Incident

The Incident

The January 6th Select Committee asked GPO to publish the materials referenced in their report in addition to the report itself. Between 9:16 p.m. on January 2, 2023 and 11:30 a.m. on January 4, 2023, a copy of the White House visitor log for December 14, 2020 was published on GPO’s trusted digital repository, GovInfo. This copy contained some personally identifiable information (PII) associated with a subset of the visitors to the White House on that day. GPO is taking steps to notify and provide additional services to those who may have been affected.


GPO does not edit or alter materials provided by Congress for publication. When the Agency received information indicating that some of those materials contained PII, GPO temporarily removed the materials identified as containing PII from GovInfo. The materials were later republished after the PII was redacted by the National Archives. The redacted document can be found at: https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details/GPO-J6-DOCCTRL0000050590/

What GPO is Doing

GPO has contracted with IDX to notify those individuals affected by this incident and provide them with credit monitoring services. The company can be contacted with any questions at:

Toll-free phone number: 1-833-903-3648

Enrollment Site: https://app.idx.us/account-creation/protect

Additionally, GPO has also notified the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) that specific individuals had their Social Security Numbers exposed in a data breach that occurred between January 2nd and January 4th in order for the IRS to extend Taxpayer Protection Program services to those individuals. Through the Taxpayer Protection Program, IRS performs enhanced screening to guard against the possibility of fraudulent tax returns being submitted in the names of individuals whose personally identifiable information (PII) may have been exposed during data breaches.

More information on the Taxpayer Protection Program can be found here: https://www.irs.gov/newsroom/taxpayer-guide-to-identity-theft