Federal Agencies Can Sign Up and Begin Submitting Congressionally Mandated Reports This Month

WASHINGTON —The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has moved to the next phase of accepting submissions of congressionally mandated reports (CMR) from Federal agencies during the month of October. Agencies can now sign up for a submission portal account. Beginning on October 16th, agencies can start submitting their reports to GPO through their portal accounts.

To begin the process, authorized agency personnel should go to the Congressionally Mandated Reports Submission Portal: https://ask.gpo.gov/s/CMR 

“Our GPO teammates made great progress in developing the systems for Federal agencies to comply with the new law and to begin the process of making these reports available to the public,” said GPO Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern. “Having a one-stop location on GovInfo will provide the American people an invaluable opportunity to see information which was often not publicly available.”

Agencies are now required by law to submit congressionally mandated reports to GPO. The reports will be published and made available to the public on GPO’s online system, GovInfo (https://www.govinfo.gov/), beginning December 2023. When fully deployed, this will be the first time congressionally mandated reports will be accessible to the public in one place. Under this new requirement, agencies will continue their current practice of submitting printed, signed copies of mandated reports directly to Congress and committees and subcommittees.

All resources related to congressionally mandated reports for Federal agencies can be found at https://www.gpo.gov/congressionally-mandated-reports.

Public Law 117-263, James M. Inhofe National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2023, sections 7241-7248, “Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act”: https://www.govinfo.gov/content/pkg/PLAW-117publ263/pdf/PLAW-117publ263.pdf#page=1283 

About GPO
GPO is the Federal Government’s resource for publishing trusted information for the Federal Government to the American people. The GPO is responsible for the production and distribution of information products and services for all three branches of the Federal Government, including U.S. passports for the Department of State as well as the official publications of Congress, the White House, and other Federal agencies in digital and print formats. GPO provides for permanent public access to Federal Government information at no charge through www.GovInfo.gov and partnerships with approximately 1,100 libraries nationwide participating in the Federal Depository Library Program. For more information, please visit www.gpo.gov.



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