GPO and Law Library of Congress Make Volumes of Nation's Most Treasured Publications Digitally Available
WASHINGTON — The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO), in collaboration with the
Law Library of Congress, has digitized and made available volumes of the United States
Congressional Serial Set on GPO’s govinfo, the one-stop shop to information published by
the Federal Government. The release comes as part of a large decade-long partnership to
digitize more than 15,000 volumes and more than 9.4 million pages of the U.S.
Congressional Serial Set back to the first volume, which was published in 1817. GPO and
the Law Library began this digitization effort two years ago.
This first public release contains selected volumes from the 69th Congress (1925–1927),
the 82nd Congress (1951–1953), and several 19th century Congresses. The public can
access these volumes of the Serial Set on govinfo at
“GPO is proud of our continued partnership with the Library of Congress on this latest
digitization initiative. Thanks go to the Librarian and Law Librarian for their leadership
and support on this project. Making these first volumes of the Serial Set available gives the
public easy access to the historic events of the Congress in a responsive format at home on
mobile or desktop devices,” said GPO Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern. “Making these
documents available is another example of how GPO continues to fulfill its mission of
Keeping America Informed on the important work of Congress and Federal agencies.”
“We are immensely proud and excited about the release of the first set of digitized
volumes of the Serial Set from the 69th Congress,” said Law Librarian Aslihan Bulut. “The
collaboration with GPO has been a very successful partnership, and as we embark on our
third year of digitization, we are looking forward to publishing additional congresses in the
near future. Our determination to expand open access to these seminal, primary sources
will continue, and this is only the beginning of additional collections to follow.”
Some notable information available in this release includes:
- Plans for the District of Columbia, including the extension of the Chesapeake and
Ohio Canal;
- Resolutions relative to slavery, the slave-trade, and the emancipation of slaves; and
- The Teapot Dome scandal.
The remaining 15,118 volumes will be released throughout the next ten years.
The United States Congressional Serial Set, commonly referred to as the Serial Set, is a
compilation of all numbered House and Senate reports and documents, including
executive reports and treaty documents, issued for each session of Congress. As a
chronicle of events of the U.S. Congress over the years, the Serial Set is one of the Nation’s
most treasured publications.
Jane Sanchez previously served GPO as its Director of Library Services and Content
Management. Prior to her passing in early 2021, she worked as the Law Librarian of
Congress and spearheaded the effort to digitize the Congressional Serial Set.
GPO is the Federal Government’s official, digital, secure resource for producing,
procuring, cataloging, indexing, authenticating, disseminating, and preserving the official
information products of the U.S. Government. The GPO is responsible for the production
and distribution of information products and services for all three branches of the Federal
Government, including U.S. passports for the Department of State as well as the official
publications of Congress, the White House, and other Federal agencies in digital and print
formats. GPO provides for permanent public access to Federal Government information at
no charge through and partnerships with approximately 1,100 libraries
nationwide participating in the Federal Depository Library Program. For more
information, please visit
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