GPO Director Presents FY2025 Appropriations Request to Congress
WASHINGTON —The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern presented GPO’s FY 2025 appropriations request before the U.S. House Subcommittee on Legislative Branch Appropriations. Director Halpern requested appropriations in the amount of $136,089,000, a 3.1 percent increase over GPO’s FY 2024 appropriation. Direct appropriations represent only about 10 percent of GPO’s total projected revenue for FY 2025 of $1.3 billion.
The FY 2025 request will enable GPO to:
- meet projected requirements for congressional publishing;
- fund the operation of the public information programs through which GPO administers the nationwide Federal Depository Library Program;
- make capital investments and information technology upgrades.
“In recent years, GPO made considerable progress in our efforts to chart a new course for the Agency’s future,” said Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern. “We closed our books for fiscal year 2023 with a net positive income for the third consecutive year. All told, we had a net positive income of $61.1 million and did so while making the critical investments in human capital and technology needed to thrive in the years ahead.”
Director Halpern highlighted GPO accomplishments and initiatives:
- named one of America’s Best Midsize Employers by Forbes for the third straight year;
- named one of America’s Best Employers for Veterans by Forbes for the second consecutive year;
- fulfilled statutory requirements of the “Access to Congressionally Mandated Reports Act” to build a centralized repository for reports Federal agencies are required to submit to Congress or committees;
- marked our first full year of production of the state-of-the-art Next Generation Passports, producing an impressive 22 million NextGen passports for the U.S. Department of State;
- initiated the Project Common Press with our congressional partners, the first attempt to modernize the look and style of key congressional publications since GPO opened its doors in 1861;
- celebrated the 10 billionth retrieval of Government information from our websites;
- designed our first-ever employee climate survey to assess Agency morale and identify challenges, which found that 90 percent of respondents are proud of the work they do at GPO; and
- accepted recommendations of the Task Force on a Digital Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP) to transition the program to one that is primarily digital.
The Director’s Prepared Statement:
GPO is the Federal Government’s resource for publishing trusted information for the Federal Government to the American people. The GPO is responsible for the production
and distribution of information products and services for all three branches of the Federal
Government, including U.S. passports for the Department of State as well as the official
publications of Congress, the White House, and other Federal agencies in digital and print
formats. GPO provides for permanent public access to Federal Government information at no charge through and partnerships with approximately 1,100 libraries nationwide participating in the Federal Depository Library Program. For more information, please visit
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