GPO Issues Digital Release of Historical Congressional Record for the 1920s
WASHINGTON - The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) partners with the Library of Congress to release the digital version of the bound Congressional Record from 1921-1930 on GPO's govinfo This release covers the debates and proceedings of the 67th through the 71st Congresses.
This era of Congress covers historical topics such as:
- The final two years of the administration of President Wilson, the administrations of Presidents
Harding and Coolidge, and the first two years of the administration of President Hoover
- Prohibition
- The Immigration Act of 1924
- The Kellogg-Briand Pact to end war
- The Dawes Plan for WWI reparations
- The Teapot Dome Scandal
- The Stock Market Crash of 1929
"This latest digital release of the Congressional Record now gives the public easy access to the historic debates of Congress from the 1920s to today on smartphones, tablets, laptops and personal computers," said GPO Director Davita Vance-Cooks. "GPO is honored to partner with the Library of Congress to continue to meet the needs of Congress and the American people."
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