GPO Joins Digital Preservation Coalition
WASHINGTON —The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) has joined the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), an international charitable foundation that supports digital
preservation. GPO is joining a growing DPC community with 170 members in 24 countries
worldwide. The DPC helps its members deliver resilient long-term access to digital
content, such as that on GPO’s GovInfo, the one-stop site for authentic, published information for all three branches of the Federal Government.
“GPO remains committed to standards-based approaches to digital preservation, and
joining the DPC is another way GPO delivers on its vision of an America Informed,” said GPO
Director Hugh Nathanial Halpern. “Joining this community means GPO will learn from
other leading organizations and contribute our expertise to the community. Ultimately,
efforts like this help us serve the American public.”
GPO’s GovInfo is one of two organizations in the world to be designated as an ISO 16363
Trustworthy Digital Repository. GPO achieved the certification by meeting rigorous
criteria for trustworthy digital repositories as defined by experts in the field. GovInfo also
earned a CoreTrustSeal certification for the first time in 2024.
GPO is the Federal Government’s resource for publishing trusted information for
the Federal Government to the American people. The GPO is responsible for the
production and distribution of information products and services for all three
branches of the Federal Government, including U.S. passports for the Department
of State as well as the official publications of Congress, the White House, and other
Federal agencies in digital and print formats. GPO provides for permanent public
access to Federal Government information at no charge through
and partnerships with approximately 1,100 libraries nationwide participating in
the Federal Depository Library Program. For more information, please visit
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