GPO Names Syracuse University Library with Best Federal Depository Website
WASHINGTON —The U.S. Government Publishing Office (GPO) honors E.S. Bird
Library at Syracuse University with the best website in the Federal Depository
Library Program (FDLP) for 2024. This is the second library to ever receive the
award, which was created last year to recognize the creativity and easy access of
Government information libraries are sharing on their websites. The library’s
website offers a variety of topical tabs on elections, the Constitution, and more for
users to explore Government information. In addition, the website highlights when
and how the public can access Government information and who to contact for
further assistance.
E.S. Bird Library FDLP website:
“Congratulations to E.S. Bird library on their fantastic website which makes it easy
for hundreds of thousands of people in central New York state to access
Government information,” said GPO Superintendent of Documents Scott
Matheson. “On behalf of everyone at GPO, we applaud E.S. Bird Library on helping
GPO deliver on its vision of an America Informed.”
“Syracuse University Libraries is proud to be a congressionally designated
depository for U.S. Government documents,” says David Seaman, Dean of Syracuse
University Libraries and University Librarian. “In fact, Syracuse University
Libraries is the second oldest depository library in New York State and has been a
part of the Federal Depository Library Program for more than 140 years. We are
extremely grateful to John Olson, our Government and Geo-Information Librarian,
who developed the online Research Guide that makes it easy for users to find these
important resources, and we are honored to be recognized as the Federal
Depository Library Program website of the year.”
The depository collections of E.S. Bird Library serve 23,000 students, staff, and
faculty of Syracuse University as well as the 600,000 people in the central region of
New York state. The Government Documents research guide has been viewed and
used more than 4,000 times in the past 18 months, more than 220 times per
About GPO
GPO is the Federal Government’s resource for publishing trusted information for the Federal Government to the American people. The GPO is responsible for the production
and distribution of information products and services for all three branches of the Federal
Government, including U.S. passports for the Department of State as well as the official
publications of Congress, the White House, and other Federal agencies in digital and print
formats. GPO provides for permanent public access to Federal Government information at no charge through and partnerships with approximately 1,100 libraries nationwide participating in the Federal Depository Library Program. For more information, please visit
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