Control your purchase of printing, publishing, and digital services at competitive prices from hundreds of certified, tested, and reliable vendors. Backed by GPO administrative and technical assistance, the Simplified Purchase Agreement (SPA) ensures vendor compliance with GPO Contract Term Quality Assurance Through Attributes Program for Printing and Binding and Government Paper Specification Standards—while offering the best value for purchases up to $10,000. For a program overview, watch our SPA video.


  • Convenience: As an authorized SPA user, you have access to a database of SPA certified, local vendors. By placing your order directly, time delays are eliminated and GPO is available to answer questions and provide administrative and technical assistance for complex job modifications.
  • Savings: Your agency saves money as a result of GPO’s large volume buying position.
  • 3 Payment Options: SPA accounts may be financed by credit card, GPO deposit account, or Intra-governmental Payment and Collection (IPAC) billing methods.

Service and Product Options

  • Printing
  • Binding
  • Copying
  • Digital imaging
  • Graphic design services
  • Folders (presentation, pocket, etc.)
  • Promotional products
  • Signs, posters, and banners
  • Engraving (printed and metal/plastics)
  • Services (508 compliance services, editorial and translation services, etc.)

Federal Agencies - How to Get Started

Step 1: Select a GPO Team and Establish Your SPA Account

To participate in the SPA program you must establish an account with each GPO team you work with. You can establish multiple accounts; however, you must submit separate paperwork for each agreement. Select the GPO team where you would like to establish your account and see who to contact.

Select GPO Team

Step 2: Complete and Submit the Required Forms

For guidance completing these forms refer to our video instructions.

Step 3: Attend Mandatory SPA Training

All agency personnel who will solicit quotes and place SPA orders must attend a free mandatory SPA training. GPO offers virtual training on a monthly basis. Once the training is completed, GPO will delegate purchasing authority to authorized SPA users and provide them with access to the certified SPA vendor database.

Step 4: Place Your SPA Order

Select certified vendors from the SPA online vendor database and solicit quotations.

  • For orders up to $5,000, solicit a quotation from at least 1 vendor.
  • For orders over $5,000, solicit quotations from at least 3 vendors.

Review quotations and award your order directly to the vendor. Supply the vendor with a signed SPA Work Order Form 4044 and any Government furnished material.

You must send a copy of the SPA Work Order Form 4044 to the SPA Administrator at the GPO Team you are working with.

Step 5: Document Any Modifications to Your Order

To process a change on an order, use the SPA Modification Form. This is required for any change that results in either increasing or decreasing the dollar amount on order.

You must send a copy of the original SPA Work Order Form 4044 with the SPA Modification Form to both the vendor and the SPA Administrator at the GPO Team you are working with.

Notice: SPA users do not have authority to exceed the $10,000 SPA limit. Any change that may increase the total dollar amount of a SPA Work Order over $10,000 must be brought to the attention of the GPO Contracting Officer for consideration. If authorized, the GPO Contracting Officer will issue a modification to the vendor and provide the agency with a copy.

Step 6: Accept Delivery of Your Order

Supply the vendor with a signed, dated delivery receipt as proof of acceptance of your order. If you encounter quality concerns or if there is a problem with your order, contact your SPA Administrator for assistance.

GPO—not your agency—pays the vendor and sends you an invoice.

Vendors - How to Become a SPA Contractor

Step 1: Select a GPO Team

If you are already a registered GPO contractor, select the GPO team you would like to work through and review their SPA. If you are not a GPO registered contractor, visit our How to Register page.

Select GPO Team

Step 2: Complete and Submit the SPA Contractor Proposal Form

In order to be enrolled in the SPA program, you must complete, sign, and submit the Contractor Proposal Form to the GPO SPA team program in which you wish to participate. This two-page form can be found on pages 9-10 of each SPA Agreement. Forms may be submitted via fax, email, or mail.

Your proposal form will be reviewed, and once you are approved you will be notified and added to the certified SPA vendor database.

Step 3: Respond to Requests for Quotations

Agencies participating in the SPA program will select certified vendors from the SPA online vendor database and contact vendors directly to solicit a quotation.

If you are awarded the job, the agency will supply you with a signed SPA Work Order Form 4044 and any Government furnished material.

Step 4: Submit Your Invoice to GPO for Payment

Do not submit the invoice to the agency that awarded the job. Within 10 days after complete delivery, submit your invoice to GPO through the GPO fax gateway. A copy of the work order Form 4044, any modifications, and a signed, dated proof of delivery must be attached to the invoice.


For questions, contact the GPO team that administers your SPA.